
W.R. Swann Group Environmental and Energy Policies

Environmental Policy Key Statements

The W. R. Swann Group, consisting of 新澳开奖 Limited, 新澳开奖 (Services) Limited, 新澳开奖 (Microbiological Laboratory Services) Limited and Jewel Blade Limited are committed to conducting their business activities in a way that minimises the impact on the natural and human environment and prevents the pollution of the environment wherever possible.

The W. R. Swann Group is committed to continually improve its Environmental Management System to protect the environment where possible and enhance environmental performance and the prevention of pollution in line with its Environmental Policy by implementing and maintaining an Environmental and Labour Standards Assurance Management System. This will provide a clear framework for setting, developing, maintaining, achieving and reviewing Objectives and Targets. This system will also take into consideration any external environmental conditions that can affect the organization.


In meeting its environmental policy, the Group:

Will comply with compliance obligations including all statutory and regulatory requirements for environmental protection and also keep up to date with relevant forthcoming environmental legislation.

Will ensure that documented risk assessments and procedures are fully incorporated into the management systems of the Group to reduce the risks to the environment and develop emergency preparedness where considered appropriate.

Will improve the efficiency of energy use by identifying energy saving opportunities and by ensuring the use of best practicable techniques and technologies. All employees of the Group will be actively encouraged to participate in reducing wastage of energy.

Will maintain a high level of environment stewardship with regards to waste disposal. Where possible, consideration will be given to waste minimisation, recovery and recycling. The Group will reduce the environmental effects associated with any significant waste or gaseous emissions.

Aims to promote the reduction of the environmental impacts associated with the products and materials purchased and used by the Group, through supplier education, greener purchasing where viable and more efficient resource usage.

Will actively promote the communication of environmental issues concerning the Group to it's staff, customers and other parties deemed appropriate. Comments and suggestions will be encouraged and considered where appropriate, feedback will be given.

Will provide a commitment to ensure the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve objectives and targets.

This policy will be read by every employee of the W.R. Swann Group and made available to any other interested party.

Environmental Policy

Download a signed copy of policy above.

ISO 14001:2015 Certificate

Download our new ISO 14001:2015 certificate.


Energy Policy Key Statements

The W. R. Swann Group consisting of 新澳开奖 Limited, 新澳开奖 (Services) Limited, 新澳开奖 (Microbiological Laboratory Services) Limited and Jewel Blade Limited is committed to responsible energy management and will practice energy efficiency throughout all of our facilities, plant and equipment, wherever it is cost effective to do so.

Energy Management will play a key role in our business and as a result the W. R. Swann Group is committed to continually improving our Energy Management System. It will support our plan to maximise profitability and strengthen our competitive position.

Our efforts to reduce energy use and prevent pollution will also support our commitment to our employees, the environment and the communities in which we are a part.

The W. R. Swann Group is committed to ensuring the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve objectives and targets and supports design and procurement of energy efficient products and services that impact energy performance and can influence improvements in energy performance.

The policy of the Group is to control energy consumption in order:

  • To avoid unnecessary expenditure
  • To improve cost effectiveness, productivity and working conditions
  • To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment generally
  • To prolong the availability of fossil fuels.

In meeting this Energy Policy, the Group:

  • Will comply with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to our energy use, consumption and efficiency
  • Implement and maintain an Energy Management System to provide a clear framework for setting, developing, maintaining, achieving and reviewing Objectives and Targets.

Our goals include:

  • To buy fuels at the most economically advantageous cost
  • To use fuels as efficiently as is practicable
  • To reduce the amount of pollution, particularly CO2 emissions caused by our energy consumption
  • To reduce, wherever possible our dependence on fossil fuels.

Our immediate objectives include:

  • To gain control over our energy consumption by reviewing and improving our purchasing, operating, motivation and training practices
  • To invest in a program of energy saving measures which will maximise returns on investment in order to generate funds which can be re-invested, in whole or in part, in further energy management activities
  • To improve the efficiency of energy use by identifying energy saving opportunities and by ensuring the use of best practicable techniques and technologies
  • To actively encourage all employees of the Group to participate in reducing wastage of energy.
  • To measure and monitor our energy usage and to implement continual improvements

This policy will be read by every employee of the W. R. Swann Group and made available to any other interested party.

Energy Policy

Download our Energy Policy here

ISO 50001:2018 Certificate

Download our latest ISO 50001:2018 certificate


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